Have you been missing teeth for a while? Maybe you considered dentures or a bridge, but you’ve also heard that they don’t last nearly as long as dental implants – and you’re right. Dental implants have the potential to last for upwards of 30 years. However, they’re not the right treatment for everyone. Keep reading to learn some qualities that make you a good candidate for dental implants in Lincoln.
You Don’t Smoke
One of the most common reasons behind dental implant failure is tobacco use. Whether you smoke it or chew it, engaging in this habit can slow down the oral healing processes. This can increase the chances that your implant will fail, and the placement surgery will have been for nothing. If you currently smoke and are interested in getting dental implants, it is strongly recommended that you quit beforehand.
You Don’t Drink Too Much
Like smoking, drinking excess amounts of alcohol can negatively impact the process of healing. It can also dehydrate you, which slows your healing down even more. Your dentist will likely suggest that you avoid drinking altogether in the first few days after your implant placement surgery.
You Don’t Have Diabetes (Or You Control It)
Uncontrolled diabetes can hinder your body’s ability to fight off infections, like peri-implantitis, a form of gum disease that occurs fairly commonly after dental implant surgery. If your body can’t resist this infection, your body could reject the implant. If you have diabetes, talk to your endocrinologist about getting your blood sugars under control before receiving implants.
You’re Not Undergoing Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy to the head and neck is another factor that can inhibit the body’s healing process. Additionally, having cancer can slow your immune system’s response to infection.
You Don’t Have Gum Disease
Before you can get implants placed, your dentist will evaluate your mouth to make sure you don’t currently have periodontal (gum) disease. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection in your mouth that causes inflammation, bleeding gums, chronic bad breath, tooth loss, and more. In fact, gum disease may have been the reason you lost your tooth in the first place. You’ll have to get your gums treated prior to receiving dental implants.
You’re Willing to Take Care of Your Implants
While dental implants are fairly low maintenance, they’re not going to last unless you care for them. Doing so involves daily brushing and flossing around the implant restoration. It also entails seeing your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.
If you meet all or most of the criteria in this post, then you might be eligible for dental implants. Even if you don’t, there still may be treatments available for you to make your implants more viable. Contact your dentist today to learn more about using implants to replace missing teeth in Lincoln.
About the Author
Dr. Ryan Shaffer is a 2002 graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He regularly keeps up with continuing educations courses, and for the last few years has focused on dental implant restorations in particular. If you want to schedule a consultation to find out whether implants are right for you, visit Dr. Shaffer’s website or call (402) 423-1616.