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What to Do If Your Veneer Fell Off

January 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 12:23 am
person whose veneer fell off speaking with dentist

While eating dinner tonight, you felt something weird happen to one of your teeth. Upon further inspection, you realized that your veneer fell off. Since this has never happened to you before, you start to panic. Why did this happen and what are you supposed to do now? To help you get the situation under control, here are five reasons why your veneer might have fallen off and what you should do next.


8 Foods That Are Notorious for Chipping Teeth

January 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 11:37 pm
assorted hard candies that can chip teeth

Without teeth, food would be much harder to enjoy. They allow you to bite, grind, and chew your meals up so you can receive the nutrients your body and teeth need to be healthy. As tasty as food is, there are a few types that can harm your smile if you aren’t careful. Read on to learn about a few kinds of foods that can chip teeth, the dangers this presents, and what to do if this happens to you.
