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South Ridge Dental Blog

4 Signs It’s Time to Have Your Dental Crown Replaced

April 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 10:47 pm
person having a dental crown replaced

Dental crowns, tooth-shaped caps used to restore teeth, are known for their durability. However, even with proper care, they can wear down over time. On average, dental crowns can last between 10 to 15 years, but eventually, replacement becomes necessary. Ignoring signs that indicate it’s time to replace your dental crown can result in further tooth damage and potentially require more extensive dental work in the future. To ensure you stay ahead of the game, keep reading to learn about four signs that indicate it’s time to consider getting new dental crowns.


What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About Oral Cancer

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 6:34 pm
a patient visiting their dentist for a checkup

Oral cancer is a serious matter; it’s estimated that around 54,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, with a significant portion of them having an undesirable prognosis. This means that roughly once an hour, every single day, somebody is fatally afflicted by the disease—which is quite an alarming statistic! But luckily, your dentist can help you understand some of the common risk factors and symptoms associated with oral cancer so that you can protect yourself from it and ensure that your smile is as happy, healthy, and beautiful as can be! Here’s more.


Invest Your Tax Refund in Your Oral Health!

March 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 5:43 pm
a patient visiting their dentist for a checkup

Tax Day is right around the corner, and if you’ve recently filed and are due to receive a considerable refund, you might be thinking about how you can use that money to improve your life! Something you should consider spending your payout on is your smile—after all, your oral health is actually one of the best things you can invest in! Keep reading to learn a little more from your dentist about the importance of a healthy smile and why you shouldn’t hesitate to spend your refund on your pearly whites.


What Causes White Spots to Appear on Teeth?

January 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 6:33 am
A closeup of white spots on teeth

Although it might seem like a cause for concern, and though they’re certainly undesirable, having white spots on your teeth is no reason to panic or sound the alarm! In most cases, they’re rarely considered an issue from a medical point of view—and it’s also often an issue that can be resolved with the help of your dentist. Keep reading to learn more!


Why Should I Turn to a Dentist for TMJ Treatment?

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 7:03 pm
young woman with jaw pain

Do you often hear a popping or clicking sound while you chew? Do you suffer from persistent ear pain or headaches? Maybe you struggle with tenderness in your jaw. These are all symptoms of TMJ disorder, which occurs when the joint connecting your jaw to your skull gets inflamed, irritated, or otherwise damaged. Fortunately, your dentist can help you find a solution, restoring your oral health and overall quality of life. Keep reading to learn the common causes of TMJ disorder, the dangers of leaving it unchecked, and why you should visit your dentist for TMJ therapy.


How to Turn Back the Clock with Cosmetic Dentistry

December 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 8:46 pm
Mature woman with beautiful smile standing outside

Over the years, has your smile lost its vibrant appearance? Are your teeth looking more yellow and brittle than white and healthy? While changes to your grin are normal, that doesn’t mean you have to love the result. Quite the opposite, in fact! With cosmetic dentistry, you can restore your youthful smile once more, boosting your confidence and oral health in the process. Keep reading to learn a few examples.


Don’t Try This At Home: 4 Dangerous TikTok Trends

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 2:47 pm
Woman opening TikTok app on phone

From cleaning hacks and mini vlogs to the latest dance challenges, TikTok is home to a wide variety of content. With over 1 billion users spread across 150 countries, there are a lot of eyes on those videos too! That’s why it’s important to be aware of the dangerous trends on TikTok that are currently circulating. Keep reading to learn a few and why you should never try them at home.


Flawless! 4 Cosmetic Flaws & How to Fix Them

November 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 5:41 pm
dental flaw

The power of a smile! A bright, genuine smile can make more of an impact than you know. Perhaps someone is having a bad day and your random grin brightened their day. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that smiling is contagious: it triggers an automatic muscular response which, in turn, causes them to grin!  Unfortunately, you may have a cosmetic flaw that can keep you from flashing your pearly whites.  Your cosmetic dentist can help you explore your options for achieving a smile you’ll love. Here’s a look at four of the most common types of cosmetic flaws and how to treat them.


Make the Most Out of Your Thanksgiving with Dental Implants

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 7:09 pm
a family enjoying Thanksgiving dinner in Lincoln

It’s hard to not be excited about the holidays, especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner. But the last thing you want is to encounter difficulties when it comes to enjoying all of your favorite festive foods—and having missing teeth can lead to some serious problems! Fortunately, dental implants in Lincoln are one way to easily address this issue and ensure that your holiday celebrations are as pleasant as possible. Keep reading to learn more!


How Do You Fix Small Teeth?

October 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 6:24 am
A woman hiding her small teeth

If you have small teeth, it’s pretty easy to feel self-conscious about them. After all, they can hurt a smile’s looks and make socializing awkward. Fortunately, though, you can always fix “stubby” pearly whites with cosmetic dentistry! This dental field has treatments that can make your smile look longer. To prove it, your Lincoln dentist is here with the evidence. Here’s a summary of the causes behind small teeth and how cosmetic dental work can fix them.

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