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South Ridge Dental Blog

4 Important Facts to Know Before Receiving Veneers

October 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 3:48 pm
woman smiling about the facts about veneers in Lincoln

If you’re unhappy with your teeth and want to get a complete smile makeover, then veneers may be the ideal solution for you. With these porcelain shells, you’ll be able to enhance your pearly whites and enjoy your results for more than a decade with proper care. However, you may have some questions about the procedure before committing to getting them. Read on to learn four essential facts about veneers and what you can expect!


Is Facial Swelling Considered a Dental Emergency?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 7:53 am
Woman suffering from pain due to facial swelling.

If you’ve recently looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed that your face seems swollen, you might be unsure about how to proceed. Our bodies become injured and swollen from time to time—so how do you know when visiting your emergency dentist for facial swelling is necessary? Here’s more about what causes this type of inflammation and why it isn’t something that you should ignore.


Why Does My Dental Implant Feel Sensitive?

September 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 7:01 am
Woman experiencing mouth sensitivity.

If you’ve received dental implants to replace your missing teeth, then you know all about how incredible of a solution they are! The implants are able to fully replicate the look, feel, and functionality of your lost pearly whites and can last for 20 or more years with proper care. But sometimes, patients experience increased and abnormal sensitivity around their implants—even though they aren’t technically real teeth! Keep reading to learn more about dental implants and what can cause them to become hypersensitive, along with some ways to alleviate your discomfort if it happens to you.


Can Full Dentures Affect Taste Sense?

August 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 1:33 pm
a person eating a meal

Whether you’re missing several or all of your teeth along an arch, dentures in Lincoln are an affordable, versatile, and natural-looking solution to tooth loss that countless people rely on daily. However, there are some quirks to this restorative treatment, like the fact that they can affect your sense of taste. Read on to learn about how full dentures, aging, and sense of taste are all connected, and how you can improve your taste if you’re a denture wearer.


How Serious Can a Toothache Be?

August 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 1:36 pm
person holding their mouth because they have a toothache

A study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association in 2014 found that toothaches were the most prevalent dental problem, estimating that 26% of adults in the United States experience them in a six-month timespan. People put off visiting an emergency dentist in Lincoln for a variety of reasons—cost, fear of the dentist, not wanting to hear bad news. While all of these are valid, the truth is that ignoring a toothache can be deadly given certain circumstances. Read on to learn how a seemingly common problem like a toothache could turn into a life-threatening issue.


What to Do If Your Dental Crown Falls Off

July 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 3:30 pm
Dental crown in mold of lower arch

Sometimes, dental crowns fall off – that’s just how it is. It’s not necessarily an emergency if it happens, but it is a problem you can’t afford to ignore; without a crown, the tooth it was protecting will be in danger of infection and/or further injury. As such, if you have a lost dental crown in Lincoln, it’s important to know how to handle the situation so that your smile stays safe until you can see your dentist. Here are 3 things to do if your crown falls off.


Why Is There a Bump on My Gums?

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 12:01 am
woman with worried expression

Sometimes, it’s all or nothing. Not everything in life is black and white but finding a bump on your gums in Lincoln could be one such situation. Maybe it’s nothing to worry about, or it could be a sign of a serious oral health issue. The only correct decision is to assume that it could be a health concern, at least in terms of you getting an examination by a professional. Read on to learn some potential reasons for the bump, plus evidence that you should see your emergency dentist as soon as possible.


3 Cosmetic Treatments for A Beautiful Summertime Smile

May 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 6:42 pm
Woman smiling during summertime.

This summer while you’re out having fun, you definitely want to be sure that you have a bright and white smile for the whole world to see! Luckily, cosmetic dentistry offers many available treatments that can improve your smile just in time for your summertime shenanigans. Keep reading to learn more about three of these treatments offered by your dentist in Lincoln, and what each of them can do to give you an enhanced, gorgeous smile you’ll want to show off all summer long.


Dealing with Dental Emergencies During Summer Vacation

May 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 5:58 pm
People relaxing on a beach during summer vacation.

Each year, 1 in every 5 people experience some sort of dental trauma! Dental emergencies can often happen when you least expect them; and if you encounter one during summer vacation, it can easily derail your fun plans. However, as with any sort of emergency, knowing what to do and being prepared can help to ensure your well-being. Here are some tips from your emergency dentist in Lincoln for what you should do if you find yourself experiencing a dental emergency during summer vacation.


Tips for Keeping Your Dentures Bright and White

April 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysouthridge @ 8:15 pm
Man at dentist receiving dentures.

Dentures can give your mouth quite an incredible overhaul, leaving you with a dazzling smile that looks and feels fantastic! However, dentures are also susceptible to staining and discoloration just like your natural teeth—meaning if you don’t take the required steps to keep them clean, your smile will revert to a sad and dull state. Keep reading to learn more about how to properly care for your dentures so they remain white and bright!

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