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BlueCross BlueShield Dentist – Lincoln, NE

Get a Healthy Smile with Dental Insurance

Everyone deserves to have access to affordable, comprehensive dental services to keep their smiles healthy. Now, it’s easier than ever to get the care your mouth relies on because you have dental insurance. As your BlueCross BlueShield dentist in Lincoln, NE, we will help you maximize your annual benefits to reduce the amount you pay for your dental care. You can invest in a healthy smile that lasts without breaking the bank.

dental products

BlueCross BlueShield Coverage Availability & Fees

Your dental insurance is quite a bit different from your medical coverage because there are yearly limits and maximums; however, less than 3% of people meet or exceed their annual benefits. If you aren’t using your coverage each year, you’re throwing hundreds to thousands of dollars away that could have been spent on your smile.

Dental policies are designed with prevention in mind because it can stop common issues from occurring in the first place, like tooth decay or gum disease. This reduces your overall dental expenses. In fact, research shows every $1 spent on prevention can save you as much as $50 on restorative care.

After paying your monthly premiums, BlueCross BlueShield makes it easy to get preventive services, like cleanings and checkups. If a problem develops, you’re also given a yearly allowance to use toward restorative care after paying your deductible.

Although every policy differs, most plans include:

  • 100% preventive care.
  • 80% minor restorative care.
  • 50% major restorative care.

BlueCross BlueShield connects you with a network of dentists who offer discounted rates for plan members. As a result, they’ll recommend you visit a dentist who is in their network because they have pre-negotiated rates to reduce the amount you pay for common treatments.

You still have the freedom to visit any dentist who accepts your coverage, even if they are out-of-network. This can give you more options to get the exact services you want. No matter if you’re in-network or out-of-network, we will help you maximize your annual benefits to help you get the healthy smile you deserve.

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Meet Mary

We know dental insurance can be confusing. We don’t want to see you avoid visiting the dentist because you don’t understand how it works. Mary, the dental office manager knows the ins and outs of insurance claims in the dental field. She will work on your behalf with BlueCross BlueShield to file the necessary forms and paperwork, so you have one less thing to worry about.

She will take the time to explain how your benefits are being used to pay for your treatments and if there is a remaining balance. Our dental office accepts a variety of payment options to cover any out-of-pocket costs. Besides traditional payment forms, we also accept third-party financing with CareCredit.

You can achieve the smile you deserve without worrying about any financial strain. If you have any questions or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, contact our dental office today.

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